Thursday, June 16, 2011

I has claws.

O hay guise.  I has claws nao.  And arms attached to the main body, and velcro on the arms for wingyness.  I am currently in the process of drawing stripes on with permanent markers.  I probably should have gotten a Fabricmate dye pen, but they were like $4, and sharpies were $1.  I did some quick math and the sharpies won.  Still need to do everything with feathers, and sew up the chest and stuff.  And get a real life and job.  Oh wait.
Water bottle grabbing action!

 The palm of my right hand.  The thumb claws are glued into the gloves, but I haven't decided whether to glue in the other claws.  The glove fingers are pretty tight and it's a lot easier to hold the claw between my fingers before trying to wedge them, than the other way.
The back of my right hand, with velcro.  All the pictures of raptors with feathers have them on the middle finger, so I went with the flow.

Sunday, June 12, 2011

Sum pix

Still need to sew up the belly and lower neck, add sleeves, and stick on feathers.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

The home stretch

The skin, hand claws, feathers and paint are pretty much all that's left to do.  And some more jaw help, but I'm not feeling enthusiastic about that.  I need a pulley or something.

The fabric is pretty much all cut.  I've sewn the body and legs together, with zippers and velcro.  No pictures at this time because I am lazy and it would kind of just look like a sewn together mess.  I wanted to attach the gloves and claws to the rest of the body skin, but it just occurred to me that the claws might not be a good idea in the washer/dryer.  Hmm.  Maybe even more velcro is in order.

My dad said I should enter the Santa Barbara Summer solstice parade with it, but I don't know if I could wear this thing for a whole parade route.  He also said I should hang out onstage with he and his band at the same event, apparently as a novelty.  They play oldies, which only vaguely relate to dinosaurs.  The solstice theme is "Jungle," though, so who knows. I tried to tell him that it might be a bad idea to have me onstage with expensive music equipment, since I am liable to knock things over with my tail possibly.  He did not seem to understand my concern, and said the stage was decently large.  Additionally, he probably doesn't understand that I can't dance, much less in a dinosaur suit.